Meeting Denis Reggie and Sandy Puc' in one week!
On Wednesday, April 15
th I took a drive out to
Middletown Connecticut to hear Denis Reggie speak to about 130 people for about two hours or so. The seminar was free and well worth my time and effort to be there and be a part of the evening for sure. Denis talked about his style, emotion, and most important how to transpire images to convey "the real story" with techniques and equipment settings he uses often. Special thanks from VIP Studios to Justin and Mary for the
Envite and all that they do for us photographers!

On Friday, April 17
th I had another seminar to attend up in Avon Connecticut featuring Sandy
Puc' on her seminar "Tots 2 Teens". Jam packed evening of information. What a gal! I was writing down so much of what she said and her tips were well worth the time we spent together. It was a very long, but very
informative night. Again, I learned more than I had expected when I went there, so yes, I was very pleased to have been there. You should check out her tours when you have a chance to browse the web at Sandy is a strong believer in charities and supports a few through her web site and on tour. Take time to get to know Sandy Puc', you'll fall in love with her, with her work, and with her charities.
Time to put what I learned to work. Talk to you soon. Rock.