June 13, 2015

The Goldberg/Steele Wedding

Ryan and Kathleen's Wedding Day June 13, 2015
in Wolcott CT by VIP Studios
Photographer Rocco Leone
Visit the gallery at: http://photos.vipprostudios.com/steele

March 2, 2015

The Torres Photo Shoot

Here is a few images of a photo shoot I did on March 2, 2015
of Mr Torres at VIP Studios in Waterbury

December 6, 2014

Photo Session with Marind

A few pictures of Marind's Photo session at VIP Studios in Waterbury, CT in December


November 8, 2014

Allen and Deborah's Wedding

Just a few pictures from Allen and Deborah's Wedding
Taken November 8, 2014 in East Windsor, CT
by VIP Studios in Waterbury, CT