December 22, 2009 - Photograph Francie and Joe's Wedding
Francie and Joe were married on a Tuesday Night on December 22nd.
VIP Studios photographed that wedding and below are a few pictures I pulled from the collection.

Here's looking at you kid!

Vincent Ingala blew everybody away with his sax, guitar, keyboards all composed and arranged by him through a really great system and computer set-up.
The dude is only 16! And he is definitely someone to watch! If the name
Ingala sounds familiar, it's because he comes from a line of talent.
Check out Vincent's web site or call him at 203.758.6739

His dad Leo was at the controls. Something he is very, very good at. Leo was on top of his game back in the days when I started in the business shooting video back in the 80's and he still on top of his game today. You had to be there!

It was great seeing Leo again! We had fun!

Francie and Joe enjoy their cake. It was very good!

The staff at The Country Club of Waterbury. A very fine facility to hold your event.
Vincent performs a very nice ending to a very awesome night.